


Senate | House | Executive Branch | Print Media
Electronic Media
| Judicial | Guests

(10 - 100 Violet Numbers)
10 Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Reed’s Rangers
20 Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) The Flying Unicornyn’s
30 Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) Team Portman
40 Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) The Grassley Panthers
50 Senator Heidi Keitkamp (D-ND) Ready, Set, Fargo
60 Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) Ragin’ Hagans
70 Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) Galloping Granite Staters


(300 - 460 Green Numbers)
300 Representative Josè Serrano (D-NY) Serrano Peppers
310 Representative Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) Rhymes with Hummus
320 Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) Red, White & Blumenauer
330 Representative Matt Cartwright (D-PA) Quaker State Quicksteppers
340 Representative Susan Brooks (R-IN) Hoosier Mama Express
350 Representative Marc Veasey (D-TX) It’s Veasey Baby
360 Representative Bill Huizenga (R-MI) Huizenga’s Dutch Mafia
370 Representative Michael Turner (R-CA) Team Turner
380 Representative Rodney Davis (R-IL) The Hot Rods
390 Representative Dan Lipinski (D-IL) LiSPRINTski’s
400 Representative Scott Rigell (R-VA) Ain’t Nobody Got Time for ‘Debt’
410 Representative Shelley Capito (R-WV) Coal Burners
420 Representative Rob Wittman (R-VA) Congressman Wittman’s  Fightn’ First
430 Representative Cheri Bustos (D-IL) Bustos
440 Representative Charles Dent (R-PA) D.O.A. – Dent On Arrival
450 Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC) #MeadowsFTW
460 Representative Tom Graves (R-GA) Graves
470 Representative David Schweikert (R-AZ) Mathletes
480 Representative Chris Gibson (R-NY) Couldn’t Gerrymander Us Outta This Race
490 Representative Tom Cotton (R-AR) Cotton Tail Rabbits
500 Representative Tim Walz (D-MN) These Colors Don’t Run
510 Representative Jim Cooper (D-TN) Cooper
520 Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) Swall’s Well That Ends Well
530 Representative Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) Hot Mss


(800 - 1050 White Numbers)
800 Paul Ryan, Assistant Director (Dept of Homeland Security) DNDO Nuke-busters
810 Daniel Elliott, Chairman (Surface Transportation Board) STB
820 Shirin Ahmed, Assistant Director (Census Bureau) Census Running: Normally Distributed, Slightly Skewed
830 Joel Rynes, Assistant Director (Dept of Homeland Security) The No Bang Theory
840 Greg Long, Executive Director (Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board) Team TSP
850 Joseph Guzowski, Principle Dir to Inspector General (Department of the Army) Running from Accusations
860 Doug Clift, Program Manager (Census Bureau) Running Stimulates the Census
870 Howard Hogan, Chief Demographer (Census Bureau) Broken Down by Age & Sex
880 RADM Rick Breckenridge, Dir. (US Navy) Navy’s Global Force for Speed
890 Thomas Mesenbourg, Jr., Acting Director (Census Bureau) Seek West or Run
900 John Norris, Commissioner (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) Regulators on the Run
910 Erwin Tan, Director; Senior Corps (Corporation for National & Community Service) Serving up the Competition
920 Victor Mendez, Administrator (Federal Highway Administration) i Build Highways 4 Recovery
930 Julie Brill, Commissioner (Federal Trade Commission) Federal Tread Commission
940 RADM Bruce Baffer, Director of Acquisition Programs and Program Executive Officer (US Coast Guard) Coast Guard Washington..Running Soon!
950 Mark Washington, Acting Chief Administration Officer (Department of Education) Student Loan Repayment Pounders
960 Tom Skelly, CFO (Department of Education) Higher Education Act 19:65, Finishing Time As Amended
970 Jay Hurt, CFO; Federal Student Aid (Department of Education) The Customer Connection
980 Bridget-Anne Hampden, Dep CIO; Federal Student Aid (Department of Education) Holy Walk-a-moly
990 Christopher Greene, Communications Director (Department of Education; Federal Student Aid) Title IV Minute Milers
1000 Al Fitzpayne, Assistant Secretary (Department of Treasury) Take the Money & Run
1010 Daniel Pearson, Commissioner (US International Trade Commission) Non-Tariff Harriers
1020 Bryan Sivak, CTO (Health & Human Services) Go To Health
1030 Amanda Ravitz, Assistant Director (Securities & Exchange Commission) S.E.C. UL8TR
1040  Lt Gen William Faulkner, Deputy Commandant (Joint Staff; Installation & Logistics) Loggies Run the World
1050 Leocadia Zak, Director (US Trade & Development Agency) USTDA-Trade Runners
1060 David Johanson, Commissioner (US International Trade Commission) Johanson’s Trade Remedy Runners
1070 Lori Garver, Deputy Administrator (NASA) NASA One
1080 Jonathan Herczeg, White House Liaison (NASA) NASA Two
1090 Tommy Sowers, Asst. Secretary; Public Affairs (VA) Veterans Affairs Runners
1100 Michael Kortan, Assistant Director (FBI) For Boston Inspired
1110 Timothy Gallagher, Special Agent in Charge; WDC (FBI) Full Blooded Intensity
1120 Matt Erskine, Asst Secy for Economic Development (Department of Commerce) Keeping Commerce Running
1130 Thomas Lue, General Counsel (OMB) Cut and Run
1140 Meredith Broadbent, Commissioner (US International Trade Commission) My Comparative Advantage is Elsewhere
1150 Mary Sally Matiella, Assistant Secretary (US Army; Financial Management) Show Me the Money
1160 Thomas Steffens, Director, Accountability Audit (US Army) Bringin’ Benjamins to the Battlefield
1170 Brigadier General Daniel Hokanson (Army National Guard) National Guard; The Original American Soldier


(1400 - 1780 Orange Numbers)
1400 Umair Irfan (Environment & Energy Publishing) Frack Force Five
1410 C. J. Jackson (AP)  Accelerated Press
1420 Jim Abrams (AP) Accelerated Press II
1430 Amanda Peterka (Environment & Energy Publishing) The Energetics
1440 Jeffrey Mervis (Science Magazine) SciQuest Racin’
1450 Shannon Green (USA Today) 30 Never Looked So Good
1460 Danielle Newman (The Washington Post) The Honorable Mentions
1470 Meredith Bowen (Capital Business) Capital Getting Down to Business
1480 Kate Green (The Chronicle of Higher Education) Chron-tiki
1490 Brock Read (The Chronicle of Higher Education) Race-Conscious Admissions Policy
1500 Sara Hebel (The Chronicle of Higher Education) Chron-ival Cruises: Disasters Waiting to Happen
1510 Brad Wolverton (The Chronicle of Higher Education) Chronically Unconditioned
1520 Lori Kelley (Washington Post Express) The Running Deadlines
1530 Vicky Hallett (Washington Post Express) The Walking Deadlines
1540 Rich Monastersky (Nature Magazine) Nature
1550 Paul Farhi (The Washington Post) SlowPosts
1560 David Sands (The Washington Times) The Paper Trailer (Follow the Many)
1570 Kristin Coyner (CQ/Roll Call) CQ RC News Travels Fast
1580 Shawn Zeller (CQ/Roll Call) CQ RC Herd on the Hill
1590 Lauren Gardner (CQ/Roll Call) CQ RC NoMads
1600 Joanna Anderson (CQ/Roll Call) CQ RC Edit Orioles
1610 Stephanie Condon (CBS.com) CBS Dot Com
1620 David Montgomery (The Washington Post) Bradlee Fighting Vehicles
1630 Sandrine Rastello (Bloomberg) My Kingdom for a Horse
1640 Mark Drajem (Bloomberg) Bloomberg-Terminal Velocity
1650 Louisa Fahy (Bloomberg) More, Better, Smellier
1660 Greg Stohr (Bloomberg) Bloomberg B Team
1670 Marc Silver (National Geographic) Honey Badgers Who Do Care
1680 Sadie Quarrier (National Geographic) 125 Years Old & Still Running
1690 Dan Stone (National Geographic) Cheetahs We A’int
1700 Ellen Weiss (Scripps Howard News Service) Scripps Howard
1710 Courtenay Mullen (Kiplinger) KipLadies
1720 Peter Blank (Kiplinger) Kip’s Second String
1730 John Miley (Kiplinger) KipRunners
1740 Libby Nelson (Inside Higher Education) MOOC, There It Is
1750 Alan Bjerga (Bloomberg) Sequester Besters
1760 Andrew Waldman (National Guard Magazine) National Guard Magazine
1770 Jamey Fry (Washington Business Journal) Our Presses Run Faster Than Us
1780 Jackie Kucinich (The Washington Post) Post Haste
1790 Molly Moses (Bloomberg/BNA) Bloombergers in Paradise
1800 Michael Loatman (Bloomberg/BNA) Bloomberg Runs Again
1810 Christine Boeckel (Bloomberg/BNA) Bloomberg Pantry Raiders


(2000 - 2220 Grey Numbers)
2000 Paula Wolfson (WTOP Radio/WTOP.com) The WTOP Run 0.3.5
2010 David Preston (WTOP Radio/WTOP.com) The WTOP Run 0.3.5
2020 Thomas Warren (WTOP Radio/WTOP.com) The WTOP Run 0.3.5
2030 Chris Cichon (WTOP Radio/WTOP.com) The WTOP Run 0.3.5
2040 Peter Doocy (Fox News Channel) First, Fast, Fox
2050 Shannon Bream (Fox News Channel) Fair & New Balanced
2060 Rich Edson (Fox Business News) FBN: The Power to Perspire
2080 Bill Plante (CBS News) Plante’s Winners
2090 Margaret Brennan (CBS News) Race the Nation
2100 Nancy Cordes (CBS News) Fancy Nancy & the Capitol Hillbillies
2110 James Stevenson (Voice of America) Our Fast Runners Were Furloughed
2120 Christina Bellantoni (PBS Newshour) No Commercials, No Mercy
2130 Ailsa Chang (NPR) Knee Cap Challenge
2140 Neda Ulaby (NPR) NPRunners
2150 Jim Howard (NPR) 6 Minute News Milers
2160 Brakkton Booker (NPR) Tiny Run Concert
2170 Tamara Keith (NPR) Tamtastic Runners
2180 Rachel Martin (NPR) Turn It Up to 1111
2190 Jon Hamilton (NPR) North Capitol Challengers
2200 Liz Halloran (NPR) All Things Sweaty
2210 Pam Fessler (NPR) Fast Trackers
2220 Lulu Miller (NPR) Look Ma, NOMA
2230 Ko Im (WUSA) Warm Up Source Assignment


(3000 - 3070 Blue Numbers)
3000 Judge Jimmie Reyna (US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit) The Running Royalties
3010 Judge Brett Kavanaugh (US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit) D. C. Circuitry
3020 Judge Roy McLeese (DC Court of Appeals) Expedited Motion
3030 Judge Vanessa Ruiz (DC Court of Appeals Don’t Judge Us
3040 Judge Evan Wallach (DC Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit) Runners of Ordinary Skill
3050 Judge Phyllis Thompson (DC Court of Appeals) Fraud Runners
3060 Judge Kathleen Kerrigan (US Tax Court) Ground Attax
3070 Judge Catharine Easterly (DC Court of Appeals) Race Judicata
3080 Judge Russell Canan (DC Superior Court) Judge Canan’s Canons
3090 Judge Jennifer DiToro (DC Superior Court) Judge Canan’s Canons
3100 Judge Craig Isco (DC Superior Court) Iscoe’s Disco
3110 Judge Heidi Pasichow (DC Superior Court) Team Pasichow
3120 Judge Patricia Wynn (DC Superior Court) Wynning
3130 Judge John McCabe (DC Superior Court) The DC Robe Trotters


(4000 - 4040 Yellow Numbers)
4010 Thomas Samoluk Vice President, John Hancock
4030 Dirk Kempthorne CEO, ACLI
4040 John Laughlin Exec Vice Pres., RGA
4050 Erin Martinko Dir., Federal Gov’t Relations; USAA
4060 SSgt Michael Malarsie US Air Force (Retired)
4070 Ryan Hall Celebrity Athlete